Saturday, December 17, 2011

Krazy Khain...

Wow, I really was proud of myself for setting up a blog, what, 6 weeks ago?? With one post??

Though I have been shooting nonstop, you'd think I was pretty slow. Exactly the opposite is true -- I CAN'T keep up with my life at all. Why?? Two little beans, that's why. Having a 12mo.-old and an almost 3-year-old is tough on you when it comes to time management. Throw in a real job, and the blog goes by the wayside. So --- time to catch up with some of my favorite clients, and my precious kiddos....

And we begin!

Khain came quietly to my studio and wasn't thrilled about the "senior portrait" thing, but his sweet side, and boy/manish good looks quickly took center stage. His mama sure is proud of him!! What a cutie! I learned that senior portraits are something I can do just fine --- he was my first one. I am so used to families, little tykes, and weddings, that I have left this area alone. Next year I plan to do lots more. Thanks, Khain, for your patience, professionalism, and sweet, sly smile.

You get the idea. What a hottie. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations in tackling Senior Pictures. I'm sure you won your first one over...he is cute. The they could be more difficult to please...haha. I will look forward to reading your posts and seeing your photographs. Isn't it great to have a skill that's a passion and has potential to be profitable.
    I'll be watching :) Love, Liz L.
