Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas in Dixie

Here are the highlights. I've found that the times when pictures are expected, like birthday parties, holidays, etc., I always seem to come up short.... I think I get too involved in the excitement.

We are a VERY blessed family. Merry CHRISTmas from the Waters' clan. It was a good one!

My SWEET boy!

Gracie with Mimi and her newest computer

Little Man Christmas morning

She seemed pleased!

Posing with her new PJs at Mimi and Pops'

Our visit with Uncle BoBo (Dr. McDreamy) in Atlanta. He was on call. :(

He's absolutely ADORABLE, but mom and I had to give him a hard time and remind him to make time for rivals Patrick Dempsey in size, don't you think?

Gracie's Atlanta adventure - the parking garage was awesome!

Scrubs as a tree skirt....

Helping BoBo unwrap his presents...

Payton and JP --- what did we all do before we had iphones?

Sweet, funny JP 

Hooray!! Mr. Popper's Penguins. Wow.

Such a proud big sister. He's awesome.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Other Christmas Video Highlights for Gege...

The kids were SO excited!!

Dance party in the living room! Hooray!

They are all sweet kids. Pics to come soon. :)

Christmas Videos for Gege!!

Gracie woke up this morning, stood at the top of the stairs and preciously asked, "Is Gege downstairs?"

We had such a wonderful holiday with Gege, Uncle BoBo, Payton, Parker and Suzie! She is a sad, sad little gal now that the excitement is over. We already look forward to our visit in February. Pictures will be posted later, but these videos needed to go up for Gege. We love you and are not the same when you're gone.

They couldn't wait for her to get here!! Gracie LOVES her Gege!! (She knows there's usually candy, presents and complete lack of dicipline involved....)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December Fun

Finally!! I have been able to take portraits (sort-of) of our precious John Davis!!

It was really difficult to find the time when Gracie was away (or asleep) and my assistant, Kevin, was available.

How sweet  and happy is this little boy? He has been so laid back and smiley from the very beginning --- until now. He has a big personality, and a Waters family temper. Good for him! We have been hoping that he would come out swinging, just to defend himself from big sister. She is a sweetheart, but most definitely a diva. They are already becoming the bestest little buddies. It is really sweet to be with them these days.

Speaking of the diva, here are a few of the pictures from her preschool Christmas party. They created a winter wonderland room with snow and ice skating. It was adorable and the longest Gracie has smiled over the last week or so. She had a blast!!

She has been....challenging....lately. Kevin and I keep taking her temperature and asking her if her tummy feels okay, etc. It is tough knowing you put your gal in "time out" 6 times before nap if you find out she does in fact have strep throat. Poor girl. I rounded both her and D up this morning and were were off the the pedes just to make sure (and to justify her behavior).

And we were right --- Gracie is in fact a 2 1/2 year old with a lot of spunk. And absolutely no strep throat. Or any illness whatsoever...

Monday, December 19, 2011


My kiddos love their "Gerin!" Erin, our babysitter, has become part of the family while I go out parttime to work for corporate America. Without her, Grace still would probably be in diapers and sleeping a crib... Davis snuggles up to her the minute she walks in.

We feel very safe and blessed to have her in our lives, and are not above locking her in the basement if she ever threatens to leave us (at least for the next 5 years or so).

As proof that she is one of us, Grace refused to smile for the camera in a Christmas picture with her too. Knowing that my favorite pastime is taking photos, Gracie refuses these days to cooperate. I hear the terrible 2's are nothing compared to the 3s?!? Maybe I'll get another picture of her, without a surprise or a bribe, by her 4th birthday...


Don't take my picture, Heather!!

What a great Fall, Ya'll!

To make things easier, I have included some of my favorite portraits from this fall. What amazing families and adorable children! I am sure I will finish out the year with tons of pictures of my sweetpeas. I can't help myself around the holidays.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Davis Turns 1!!

I haven't had the time yet for his official 1-year portraits (he only turned 1 a week ago), but they are coming. We did have the opportunity to celebrate the special day with our beautiful baby boy. He gave us quite a scare at first, with 2 hospital visits after birth (over Christmas and New Years last year - not the best way to spend the holidays...), but he is strong and smiley these days! We are so blessed to have him as a part of our family. We love you, SMILEY!! Happy Birthday, sweet baby boy!